Saturday, August 7, 2010

Top Five 5 Reminder

Hey guys, just reminding everyone that I'll be posting the Top Five 5 tomorrow, the deadline for picks is tonight and I haven't gotten many so If anyone wants to be included be sure to send your picks to Remember to send me your top five choices for each category, the categories are:

Top Five Characters you want back from the Dead
Top Five Characters with untapped potential (Ex: Ravager)
Top Five One-Shots
Top Five Worst Comic Series
Top Five Male/Female Team-Ups

Here's hoping I get a few more picks from you guys, and I'll be back tomorrow with the main post.


  1. In what respect is the team-up? Like partners in crime fighting?

  2. Oh, and you need a Top Five non Marvel/DC comics one next time :)

  3. Yeah, crime fighting team up, not relationships since that was last time.

  4. Cool - jus checking as I'm doing this at 11:35pm, and I'm tired ;)

  5. Good good. All done and sent. Now for bed

  6. Thanks, just got em, enjoy ya sleep.

  7. Sending mine in a couple minutes!

  8. Awesome Marc, thanks for participating.

  9. Hey dude, gonna send mine in the next half hour. Hope I'm not too late.

  10. Awesome, and nah you're not too late Paul, I'll be on the look out for your answers.

  11. Woo, glad you put up this reminder JT! I'll be sending mine within the next 10 minutes!

  12. Haha, I was afraid I'd have to cancel it so I threw this up, and alright X I'll be on the look out.

  13. JT, quick question: for worst series, are we talking ever, or just currently?

  14. Well, I went with current. Sending 'em now!

  15. Lol sorry, I got the email for the first comment at the same time as for the second for some reason... and yeah it was either or.

  16. No biggie, here's hoping you got the e-mail. I wouldn't want my voice not heard! :P

  17. We can hear ya voice all the way in Detroit! :P And yep, just added your picks to everyone elses dude.

  18. "We can hear ya voice all the way in Detroit!" Then I know I've done my job well. :P

  19. Lol, and you wonder why you were the Sinestro character in GBC. :P

  20. I never actually wondered about that. For some reason I've always seen myself as the villain of our little crew! :P

  21. Lol I gotta ask why that is, considering you're the link in the chain for most of us.

  22. What a nice thing to say! Thank you JT.

    Well, first off I'm from NYC, which automatically makes me a bad guy to some! :P Plus(for the most part)everybody else seems to be more DC leaning, while I'm fully in Marvel's court right now, as well as the fact that I tend to be a bit snarkier then most in my reviews. Anyway, I've always thought it would be more fun to play the heel.

  23. Well it's the truth buddy.

    You being from NYC = the bad guy made me laugh. I can speak from wrestling experience that it's WAY more fun playing the heel, but I don't know if you're the heel of us, but I'll accept it.You are now 1996 HBK :P

  24. It's the truth dude! You know what people think of those rude, ill-mannered, loud New Yawkers! Huh, you know, I prove all of those stereotypes true...

    Wasn't Shawn a face for 96? I thought he turned heel and started DX in 97. It's been awhile, so I could be off. Yeah, I always thought playing the heel role would be WAY more fun then being a face. Being a face just seems so boring to me. It's the heels who have all the fun!

  25. Haha, in that case you are hereby the new JBL :P Even though he was a Texan... he had a NYC mentality.

    Damn you X... you may be right. Lets check Wikipedia... and yep you're right. Okay, in THAT case, you are hereby 2000 Angle, a heel yet I still find you amusing.

  26. I actually loved the fact that JBL said he was from NYC as opposed to Texas. What an AWESOME way to draw some cheap heat down south! I mean, the only thing worse then a New Yawker to a Texan must be a Texan who claims to be from NYC!

    Yeah, I thought the Screwjob was in 97. That's the only way I even remembered that, since I'm usually pretty awful with dates. I like that I'm not just a heel, but an amusing heel! Why can't I be a real badass heel like Ministry Taker or something?

  27. Haha, right? That reminded me of Hank being born in New York haha, he hated himself. JBL was so awesome on the mic.

    Yep, nice one X. And nah, I almost made you the Miz haha, you aren't menacing enough. I'm a menacing face though, like 2001 Kane. :P

  28. That episode was yet another example of how awesome Cotton was. He was def my favorite character I think.

    HA! Well thanks for basically calling me a cowardly heel JT! I guess it could have been worse, you could have called me the Brooklyn Brawler or something...

  29. Lol I love his quotes "I had to beat em to death with a piece of Fatty!!!"

    Haha, just for the record Miz is AWESOME now. He's got the US belt, the Money In The Bank, he's really good in ring now (I'd say maybe around as talented at selling and everything as a main eventer should be) and amazing on the mic, dude's definitely improved tenfold. He's so over as a Heel now that (his catchphrase is "I'M THE MIZ... AND I'M AWESOME!!!!) and on Raw the crowd actually chanted "MIZ IS AWESOME!!!!" over and over during his match.

  30. We could make an awesome Cotton quote book if we had to. There's so much to choose from, although his, "I killed fiddy men!" would def be on the first page!

    You know, that doesn't surprise me at all. Even when he was first getting started, you could see that he had "it". He just has that charisma. Dude's a natural born heel, always was. From the way he carried himself, to his mic work, all he was missing was the ringwork, and if he's improved that, then the sky's the limit for him.

  31. Definitely! Oh man, what else... "I ain't got no shins!" and the ending would be "You killed me Tojo, I finally respect you!"

    I couldn't agree more, you know how when Cena was a huge heel and you could tell he was gonna be big, that's how Miz is now, the guy is phenomenal. He had a great match Tuesday on NXT against former tag partner John Morrison.

    Oh, I forgot to mention, Joey Mercury of MNM returned and join Punk's Straight Edge Society, I also find it funny that this Sunday on SummerSlam is the first time in like years all the members of MNM wrestled on the same card.

  32. "I ain't got no shins!" That one made me crack up, 'cause I can hear it in my head in Cotton's voice! How about the fact that he always referred to Peggy as "Hank's wife"? Or when he told Hank that he was naming his new kid Good Hank, and Hank goes, "But that would make me Bad Hank." So Cotton replies, "You burned my burger, didn't you BH?"

    Yeah, totally agreed. Cena had that same aura about him during his rapper days. You just KNEW he'd be a huge star one day. Granted, I never thought he'd wind up being the next Super-hero/Hulk Hogan type, but still.

  33. Haha, You, burnt my burger, didn't ya, BH! That was classic, and like you said, him calling her Hank's wife will forever be classic.

    "I'll need ya to whip us up some pancakes, couple hundred'll do, and all the syrup ya gots!"

    "Okay Cotton, I will go make you TWO HUNDRED pancakes."

    Yeah, I like Cena, he works hard, but the fact he no-sells like the Undertaker annoys me. Hell Big Show sold Swagger's Ankle Lock for THREE WEEKS, Cena sold Nexus' attack a week, then was celebrating perfectly fine later that night after winning his match!

  34. Or what about when he was talking about Didi's breast implants and he was like, "I got it done cheap 'cause they were both lefties!" HA! Man is he a blast!

    The only thing I can't stand about Cena is his character(which I guess is like the most important thing!). And I guess there's really nothing he can do about that. I've never been a fan of that super-hero type of character. Even as a kid I couldn't stand Hogan's shtick. My friends were all Hogan and Warrior fans, while I was a fan of guys like Savage, Mr. Perfect and the frigging Mountie.

    Good for Show for really trying to put that move over. I HATE when a guy takes some wicked beating and is fine like a week(or less!)later. That's def one of my wrestling pet peeves. That, Hulking-up and putting the figure four on the wrong leg just bugs the hell out of me...

  35. Lmao, how could I forget about "Them tojos came at me faster than i could gut 'em, so I had to gut 'em faster!!!"

    Haha, the Mountie. They showed a clip of his SS match against Big Bossman where the lose spent a night in jail. But yeah, I get you, I mean, hell the best faces weren't superheroes. Austin sold, Michaels Sold, Foley sold, Bret Sold, The Rock sold his ass off!

    I definitely agree, I hate when guys don't sell because it's so easy, in between celebrating to put one hand on ya back or limp like it still hurts even a little.

  36. Yeah, that's definitely a classic. From now on whenever a KotH episode with Cotton is on I'm gonna make sure to take at least one Cotton-ism from the show and post it somewhere on your blog!

    Dude, I was a HUUUUGE Mountie fan as a little kid! It was probably his theme song since it was SO over the top. That's how I became a fan of the Quebecers and their manager Johnny Polo, who I suspect had a pretty good career in the business and may have become one of my all time favorites... ;-)

    But yeah, selling shouldn't be occasional or sometimes, it should be done on a consistent basis. Selling makes a match better, and IMHO, no selling and forgetting injuries make the matches WAY worse. That's why I hated the 80's-90's Hogan matches, because it was ALWAYS the EXACT same thing! Hogan comes on strong, bad guy does something under-handed and takes over. Bad guy beats Hogan for several minutes and hits his finisher. Bad guy makes the pin, Hogan kicks out at two, hulk-up, finger point, three punches, big boot, leg drop, match over. EVERY SINGLE TIME! That's why I couldn't understand what my friends saw in him. I'd tell them, he's so boring, 'cause he always does the same thing, and they'd be like, "But Joe, can you believe he kicked out of Earthquake's butt splash?!" and I was like, "YES, because he ALWAYS does!" Ugh, I'd rather get a root canal them watch another formulaic Hogan match... Ha! I was a jerk as a kid! :D

  37. Lol that's awesome, bring it on Hank's wife! :P

    Haha, Johnny Polo eh, never heard of him :P But in an unrelated note, Raven looks horrible now... woooooooo I mean HORRIBLE. Haha, but nah, that Johnny Polo gimmick was pretty awesome, it could've been good if done well too.

    Haha, I definitely get what you mean, and I agree, what bothers me, almost more than not selling during a match is the after match sell. I don't care if you won or lost, you just beat a guy/or got beat bad enough to not be able to kick out, sell the damn injuries. If you're fine now than the match means nothing.

  38. Done! And why do I have to be "Hank's wife"??? :D

    As someone who wound up becoming a huge Raven fan, it's crazy to recall that he was once Johnny Polo, manager to the Quebecers! I mean back in the day I had NO clue Johnny Polo was even a wrestler, I simply thought he was just a manager ala Jimmy Hart or Slick. I guess time hasn't been very kind to Raven, huh? I'm guessing you saw him on a TNA show, 'cause I doubt Vince would EVER bring him back to do anything.

    Yeah, that's a really good point. Especially if you were defeated with a submission move, specifically one that was done to the legs. I've seen SO many guys lose to a figure four or ankle lock and just roll out of the ring and stroll away like it was nothing. One of the guys who stands out as always selling an injury before, during and after a match was Bret. He'd get a leg worked over, win the match and celebrate with his "injured" leg usually bent and would limp around the ring. I'm sure there are COUNTLESS guys who remember to sell after the match, but Bret comes right to mind for some reason.

  39. Lol would you rather be "Missy Melons" like Luanne? Man I love that show.

    Yeah, I googled him just to refresh my memory and he looks so different yet the same. And yeah, I saw him on TNA recently, and he has not aged well at all. See for yourself

    Right? Bret was perfect about it, hell he sold a leg injury for months if I recall correctly. Another guy who usually remembers to sell is Kurt Angle, and of course HBK. Back in 08 they did a whole feud about Jericho throwing him into the TV on the Highlight Reel show and HBK having an eye injury. They sold in in such innovative ways, even with Jericho throwing HBK's face into the corner of the announce table, that was great.

  40. Hmm, good point... Well, I'd rather be NEITHER, but if I had to choose, I'd grudgingly be Hank's wife.

    Wow yeah, dude looks OLD now!

    Yep, he sure did. And more then that, he'd just have these little mannerism after the match that would make you think he had REALLY been in a war. As for Shawn, he's def one of my all-time favs, but his selling abilities def got better with age. When he was younger he'd have a tendency to only sell injuries some of the time. But Shawn's selling during his second run was def among the best in the business. I remember that HBK/Y2J feud actually. That was prob among the last feuds that really grabbed my attention. Those guys had crazy chemistry together.

  41. Lol, I love the fact that you ACTUALLY picked one, you stay Classy Hank's Wife!

    Told ya, Johnny Polo is looking like Johnny Po-old! *Rimshot* Lol

    I'd definitely agree that Shawn's selling got better with age, You STILL have to see his match with Taker from WM 25, I swear that's one of the top three matches I've ever seen. And speaking of Jericho he has a DVD coming out, surprisingly his first ever, has some matches from ECW, WCW, WWE and one of them is the ladder match with HBK where he broke his tooth. (pic below)

  42. Hmm, now I feel like I shouldn't have picked either one...

    "Johnny Po-old"??? UGH! :D

    Yeah, I should dig around and see if I can come across it one day... See, if I could get my hands on that DVD cheap, I'd def consider it. Jericho is prob one of the most charismatic wrestlers of all-time. He's always been awesome. He just does SO many of the little things right. As for that pic, OUCH!

  43. Yeah, you fell into my trap Hank's wife, now go fix me some pancakes, couple Hundred'll do!

    I'd like to see YOU do better :P

    I was thinking of sending you a copy for ya b-day actually, but considering how you are with DVD's I doubt you'd touch it haha. Did you even watch Red Hood :P

  44. HA! I don't know if I could do any worse then Johnny Po-old! :P

    That is SO true dude! And no, I STILL haven't seen the Red Hood movie... I was really psyched to watch it too, but now with school starting back up again and my normal aversion of movies, I'm not sure when I'd watch it! One day... Probably! :P

  45. Hey, you don't see me bringing up Sloppy Joe do ya Hank's Wife?! Lol Ill drop Hank's Wife, and just call ya Ol Top if you forget about Johnny Pol-old lol.

    :| Lol I KNEW ya wouldn't have time haha, but hell the way you were running around and such I don't blame ya, especially on Thursday. But yeah, I know you wanna watch it :P I actually got the Blu-Ray version last week, I haven't watched the extra's yet, may bring my PS3 down to the big screen TV and watch it in Hi-Def.

  46. Deal! But I'd rather be Brooklyn, since that's almost definitely what Cotton would call me! I loved how most of Cotton's friends were either called Fatty or Brooklyn!

    One of these days JT... Sure, it'll probably be 37 years from now, but I WILL watch that movie one day!

  47. Haha, I forgot about that. "It was Brooklyn, Topsy, Fatty, Brooklyn, Fat Brooklyn, and Skinny Fatty!" Lol I'm sure that quote is inaccurate but it sounds funny.

    Man, Jason will have been dead and resurrected by Geoff Johns II by then! :P

  48. That quote seemed pretty accurate to me. All you need to do is replace Skinny Fatty with a Stinky and that foul mouth Erwin Linker(sp?)and you'd be set!

    GEOFF II intrigues me... Would he run around killing off Silver Age heroes and replacing them with Modern Age ones? Because that would interest me a great deal! :-)

  49. Lol I forgot all about Stinky and Erwin. That's great. I swear Cotton has some of the best quotes in TV history.

    Lol of course he would, Bye Bye Green Arrow, Welcome back Connor! Bye Bye Barry! Here's ya new suit Bart! Smell ya Later Superman! Here ya go um.. Chris Kent! Well... I wouldn't mind that one either.
