Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Break?

Hey Todd Squad, JT here with an update. The last few weeks of this blog have been weird for me, I've been forcing myself to post when I'm not in the mood, barely pulling down four books some weeks, and pretty much just posting for the sake of posting. I love comics but blogging is starting to seem like more of a chore and less of a hobby, so I'm going to take a little hiatus, depending on how quickly I start to miss it I'll be back, but as of right now I plan on coming back fresh in January, or maybe a bit sooner for the Second Annual Red Hood awards, but until then, I'm your friendly neighborhood burned out blogger, Jason Todd, signing off.


  1. Awww. I hope you get that spark of blogging back. I as well as your followers will be waiting. ^_^ Yes I shall speak for them!!! Lol.

  2. I blame Dan Didio!!! What? Somehow I'm sure this is all his fault...

    I've been there mi amigo, take some time, read some good comics and you'll be ready to come back to post for the second best blog on the interwebs again. And yes, that Saint Barry blog is the #1 blog as far as I'm concerned! :D

  3. Thanks for the comments guys :D And I know you represent them all Lisha, lol. And X you took that joke in a totally different direction. Oh, and it's DEFINITELY Didio's fault...the ass.

  4. "And X you took that joke in a totally different direction." Didn't see THAT one coming, did you? :P

    "Oh, and it's DEFINITELY Didio's fault" DAMMIT!! I knew it! That bastard! Why must he ruin everything for me!!!

  5. I know how you feel. Blogging got to be a bit of a drag for me earlier this year, and with so little free time since the summer, I had to cut down on things that I wasn't enjoying to the fullest potential. I do want to get back into blogging again though, when I have the time. I miss talking to you guys! :(

  6. Yeah, Blogging is a hard work, I don't know how Old X can keep that timing.

    I will be looking forward to the "Second Annual Red Hood award"

    Have a happy Holidays.

  7. Any word on when you're coming back, dude? Hahaha.

  8. Actually was just discussing it last night with someone, should be pretty soon.
